

What’s New & Improved this November

Welcome to the latest OurProperty product update. The past month has seen the implementation and release of new features that provide greater flexibility and visibility across multiple components of the platform. Here’s what’s new for November 2023!

Client Hub

Ownership Changes – This process now contains a section in the pop up to add in a ledger comment as written by you to both the old and new owner as required. This means the ledger comment can contain individualised information per owner. Simply press on the ‘+ Add Ledger Comment’ and the note will appear on the ledger once processed. 


Post Viewing Report

A small change has been made to the post viewings report – we have removed the ‘Days Vacant’ count and only show the count on ‘Days Available’. This number reflects that true value of time the property has been available for rent while on the market rather than including days the property has been vacant due to renovations or other circumstances where the property was unavailable to rent. 

Cancelling Viewings

For viewings that are not confirmed you will no longer need to enter a reason to cancel. However, if you are bulk cancelling viewings and at least 1 is confirmed a reason is still required. 


Access Notes

You can now schedule for a specific inspection area based on post codes which will focus your property inspections to those post codes entered into your user profile settings. Enter in the post codes under the setting labelled ‘Inspection Area Postcodes’ before attempting to schedule to ensure a smooth scheduling process. Learn more on how to schedule based on post codes in this article. 

In addition, a setting has been added in Inspection Profile Settings labelled ‘Exclude access issue from scheduling calculations’. If selected, properties that have been flagged in the client hub will not be include in inspection run calculations when scheduling in OurProperty.

Scheduled Sending of Reports

A prompt is now in place when sending a property inspection report from the computer dashboard where you can select to send immediately or schedule the send to another date and time. When scheduled it will show in the inspection lists that it is scheduled to send and the date and time of the schedule. The schedule send option is not currently available when sending from the PM Inspect App. 



When approving an invoice for payment you now have the ability to change the due date within the approval screen. The dates available to select are only those within 14 days from the invoice approval date. Being able to choose a date for payment means you can set an order for maintenance invoices being submitted by the tradie and bring a payment date forward to be paid as soon as funds are in hand. 


Job Details

There is now a section in the job details page and work sheet PDF for an “Agency job responsibility statement”. The content in this section is controlled in Settings > Maintenance > Agency job responsibility statement.

As a default the text is currently left blank and is ready for you to enter your own wording for display. For example, this can be used to advise that all jobs are requested on behalf of the property owner and all financial responsibility is for the owner only and all invoices must be submitted via OurTradie. However you have free reign over what common message you would like displayed to all tradies for their jobs. 

If no wording is provided into the setting the section will not show on the job details page and PDF job sheet. 


We have moved a number of agency settings from the Preferences section to the OP Payments section that are more suitable to this area of the platform.

  • The following settings have been moved:
  • No Invoice for Recurring Period
  • Incoming Invoice Notice Threshold
  • Invoice Number Restriction
  • Creditor creation alert
  • Generate Suggested Invoice Numbers
  • Lock Suggested Outgoing Invoice Numbers
  • Lock Suggested Incoming Invoice Numbers
  • Overdue Invoice Notification Recipients
  • Overdue Invoice Notification Warning


We want to ensure you’re up to date with the latest improvements and enhancements in our product. While this product update article provided important information about some of our major changes, there are many more updates waiting for you in our changelog. Click on this link to access our changelog and discover additional features, bug fixes, and optimisations that were not included in the article. Don’t miss out on the complete picture of our progress.

Make sure to save to the new key number against the property.

These new features and updates conclude what is new at OurProperty for November 2023! If you have any questions about any of these new features or updates, please do not hesitate to contact your OurProperty Account Mananger.